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vol.15 número2Intenção empreendedora em estudantes universitários: adaptação e validação de uma escala (QIE)Instrumentos para avaliar a coparentalidade: uma comparação de suas propriedades psicométricas índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Avaliação Psicológica

versão impressa ISSN 1677-0471versão On-line ISSN 2175-3431


MIGUE, Fabiano Koich et al. Study of the collective administration of an emotional perception test in deaf people. Aval. psicol. [online]. 2016, vol.15, n.2, pp.197-205. ISSN 1677-0471.

The research investigated the functioning of an emotional perception test in deaf people, as well as its collective administration. Participants included 13 deaf and 25 hearing people who responded to the test shown on a multimedia projector, and 65 hearing people who responded to the test individually on a computer. The mean age was 17.03 (SD=2.11). Results showed that there was performance loss in both groups using multimedia projector, although the deaf participants demonstrated a non-significant but slightly higher ability to perceive emotions. Deaf participants also displayed lower ability to identify authentic or false emotions. We contend that these results appear to be related to the use of sign language. In addition, the deaf participants had greater perception distortions, suggesting interest in socializing, concerns for autonomy and aggressive thoughts, corroborating other studies. There was differential item functioning, discussed in relation to the differences found

Palavras-chave : facial expressions; hearing disorders; item response theory; psychological assessment.

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