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versão impressa ISSN 1729-4827versão On-line ISSN 2233-7666


KOHLER HERRERA, Johanna. Importance of teaching strategies and the curricular plan. Liberabit [online]. 2005, vol.11, n.11, pp.25-34. ISSN 1729-4827.

Nowadays we are involved through social, political, technological, economic and cultural changes, under these circumstances; the objectives of education place the intelligence and its possibilities of development among the fundamental concerns of teachers. However, many educators still follow old psychological and educational paradigms, such as Behaviorism and the Classical School, which involve learning by interpretive association and where the student plays a passive role and mechanically accumulates data in the form of answers. The role of the teacher is to model that conduct through reinforcement and punishment and the instructional focus is on practice and repetition, leaving little space for improvement of the academic process. Given the proven unsatisfactory results of this teaching model, the unwillingness to change the focus of the curriculum and, especially, the teaching methodology, the Cognitive model was created. It focuses on the inner processes of the student, viewing him or her as an active participant and using active teaching methodologies that seek to prepare students who are autonomous, creative, critical thinkers, self-disciplined, capable of solving problems, and, especially, of learning to learn.

Palavras-chave : Classic School; Active School; Behaviorism; Cognitive Psychology; Learning to Learn; Meaningful Learning; Teaching Strategy.

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