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vol.18 número especialOutros personagens entraram em cena: o movimento negro e a emergência de uma "política racializada"Diálogos com o Feminino: pelas ondas do rádio mulheres que fazem psicologia para mulheres índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

versão On-line ISSN 1808-4281


MACEDO, Cleber Michel Ribeiro de  e  SIVORI, Horacio Federico. Repatologizing homosexuality: the perspective of Brazilian "Christian psychologists" in the 21st century. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. 2018, vol.18, n.spe, pp.1415-1436. ISSN 1808-4281.

This article examines the claims of professionals identified as "Christian psychologists" who publicly defend their right to offer therapy to "reverse homosexuality". This debate took shape when "conversion therapy" was banned by the Brazilian Federal Council of Psychology in 1999. Based on specialized literature, we begin by introducing, on the one hand, the itinerary of homosexuality as object of discourse in Psychology, and in the evangelical field, on the other. And we go on explaining the process of constitution of Psychology as a regulated practice in Brazil. Then, based on public records, we examine the stand taken by the Federal Council of Psychology, and analyze the legal claims made by psychologists who defend their right to treat homosexuality as a moral offense and a mental disorder. The antagonism that emerges in the so-called "gay cure" debate does not simply oppose science and religion but involves public actors capable of strategically placing themselves in one field or the other and use the Law in their favor. Their ability to consider homosexuality as a sign of moral deviance and a mental disorder places sexual politics as a significant issue with regards to Brazilian democracy.

Palavras-chave : evangelicals; homosexuality; psychology; religion; sexuality.

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