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Revista Puertorriqueña de Psicología

versão impressa ISSN 1946-2026


VERDUZCO, Ignacio Lozano  e  SANCHEZ, Tania Esmeralda Rocha. La homofobia y su relación con la masculinidad hegemónica en México. Rev. Puertorriq. Psicol. [online]. 2011, vol.22, pp.101-121. ISSN 1946-2026.

Hegemonic masculinity has been described as a series of social, political, economic, family, and individual structures that regulate, among other things, relations between people. The study of hegemonic masculinity has focused on the violence it exerts on women. However, this violence is described as a relation of power among masculine and feminine. In this sense, hegemonic masculinity may exercise violence, rejection, and discrimination against anything that has feminine characteristics, such as the homosexual community. In this study, we explored the relationship between masculine gender traits and the expression of homophobia. Two hundred and fifty two participants of Mexico City, 123 men and 128 women of a range of ages and educational levels answered the Scale of Dimensions Attributed to Instrumentality and Expressiveness (Díaz-Loving, Rocha, & Rivera, 2007) and the Homophobia Scale (Lozano, 2008). An important relation between masculine traits and homophobia was found, while feminine traits negatively associated with homophobia, indicating that with higher levels of masculine traits, higher levels of homophobia; and with higher levels of femininity, lower levels of homophobia.

Palavras-chave : Homophobia; hegemonic masculinity; gender studies; attitudes.

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