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Contextos Clínicos

versão impressa ISSN 1983-3482


RIBEIRO, Rosanna Jacobina  e  SEIDL, Eliane Maria Fleury. Resilience, coping and self-efficacy: group intervention with people with diabetes mellitus type 2. Contextos Clínic [online]. 2021, vol.14, n.1, pp.145-169. ISSN 1983-3482.

Studies on resilience have increased based on advances in positive psychology, as well as on coping behavior and self-efficacy in the context of chronic diseases. The objective of the study was to evaluate a group intervention for the development of resilience, coping and self-efficacy skills in people diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus, divided into experimental (EG) and control (CG) groups. Four patients formed the experimental group (EG) and four the control group (CG). The intervention was realized in eight meetings, two hours long. The results indicated that the intervention provided positive results, especially in coping behavior and in self-efficacy, important factors in the management of adverse conditions. Despite the difference between the averages of problem focused-coping, search for social support and self-efficacy, the comparison of the EG pre and post intervention moments did not reveal statistical significance. No significant difference was observed in moment 1 and 2 of CG, as well as intergroup comparisons. The small number of participants was a limitation of the study. The resilience, coping behavior and self-efficacy study aimed to contribute to research on positive human aspects and their use in the context of diabetes mellitus.

Palavras-chave : diabetes mellitus; resilience; coping behavior; self-efficacy.

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