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Revista Psicologia Organizações e Trabalho
versão On-line ISSN 1984-6657
CAMPOLINA, Luciana de Oliveira e MARTINEZ, Albertina Mitjáns. Favorable factors to innovation: a case study in a school organization. Rev. Psicol., Organ. Trab. [online]. 2013, vol.13, n.3, pp.325-338. ISSN 1984-6657.
This paper presents research about innovation in a school organization. Innovation was understood and studied as a set of actions to implement new approaches in the educational processes and in the forms of school management that depend on elements favorable to achieving its development. The study aimed to investigate the aspects that had favorable impacts allowing the occurrence and development of an innovation process in an elementary school organization. It was conducted using a qualitative methodology, through a case study in a public school in São Paulo. The results showed a set of six aspects promoting innovation, linked to the historical dimension of the project, characterized primarily by the history of community participation in the school, and by the progressive mobilization to confront the problems faced by the institution. The analyses revealed that historical-contextual aspects constituted subjective elements - social and individual - also favorable for the innovation process, that represent the interactive, communicative, and motivational dimension of those who are part of the school organization. In conclusion, it was evident in this case study that the historical dimension was crucial to the innovative process, sustaining the subjective dimension involved in the positive development of the innovation project at the school.
Palavras-chave : Innovation; Educational Innovation; School Organization; Subjectivity.