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Analytica: Revista de Psicanálise

versão On-line ISSN 2316-5197


PAVON-CUELLAR, David  e  FONSECA, Tradução: Thales. Metapsycohology of Capital. Analytica [online]. 2021, vol.10, n.19, pp.1-15. ISSN 2316-5197.

Upon observing that there are psychic or mental configurations inherent to the capitalist system, the general thesis that capitalism is also a state of mind is accepted. This idea justifies not only the direct analysis of capitalism by students of the psyche, but also the elaborate theory of the capitalist mind foreshadowed in the theory of capitalism that Marx presents. By examining Marx's theoretical elaborations concerning the psyche it becomes possible to distinguish two levels, one psychological, the other that we shall call metapsychological, to indicate that it goes beyond the psychological, overflows it, transcends it, constitutes it and explains it. Thus it is that one can announce the existence of a metapsychology of capital, in which some of the principal defining aspects of Freud's metapsychological domain are found, including the fact that it constitutes an unconscious conceived as a mental system and a logical localization in the psyche. This article will show how this metapsychological domain of the unconscious can serve to explain, in Marx and Freud, the psychological sphere of consciousness, and through it, though indirectly, elucidate that which occurs at the metaphysical summits of religion and mythology.

Palavras-chave : Metapsychology; Capitalism; Psychoanalysis; Freud; Marx.

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