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Interamerican Journal of Psychology

versão impressa ISSN 0034-9690


TONETTO, Leandro Miletto; ROHENKOHL, Gustavo  e  STEIN, Lilian Milnitsky. Time pressure on consumer decision making. Interam. j. psychol. [online]. 2008, vol.42, n.1, pp.119-128. ISSN 0034-9690.

This article presents an experiment that aimed to measure the effect of time pressure on consumers' decision making. In addition, the development of a software for the evaluation of framing effects on consumers' decision making is also presented. Undergraduates (N=96) were assigned to three groups according each level of the independent variable time pressure. The control group had no time constraints for each task of judgment and decision making. The two experimental groups had time constraints for performing the same tasks as the control group, namely, time decreased in 25% and 50% in relation to the average time spent by the control group to make their decisions. The results showed the expected pattern of risk aversion, originally documented by Kahneman & Tversky (1979), Tversky & Fox (1995) and Tversky e Kahneman (1981). The data was also in accordance with the results of Svenson and Benson (1993) since framing effects on decision making tended to disappear with the increase in time pressure.

Palavras-chave : Framing effect; Risk aversion; Time pressure; Consumer decision making; Cognitive psychology.

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