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Estudos de Psicanálise

versão impressa ISSN 0100-3437


SANTOS, Luciene dos. The unconscious and digital technology: the real and time - approximations. Estud. psicanal. [online]. 2020, n.53, pp.149-157. ISSN 0100-3437.

The Unconscious, the Real and digital Technologies. Digital technologies articulation with the discoveries of the scientific field of Physics, forms of investment in the Real. How Freud treated the relation of the unconscious with the question of time and when conceptualizing and explaining the functioning of the unconscious Freud anticipated epistemic questions that reappeared in the later developments of quantum physics. The appropriation of the production of the real and of a conception of temporality that bring digital technologies closer to the conception of the temporality in the functioning of the unconscious. The gadgets in the appropriation of the production of the real as a way to animate and engage life, slide into the proposal of regulation and totalizing knowledge about individuals and the world. Digitization processes and automation of daily human practices and activities producing psychic alteration in the perpetual apprehension of spatial and temporal categories and consequently of the relationship between men and between them and their environment.

Palavras-chave : Real; Unconscious; Digital Technology; Quantum Physics.

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