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Estudos de Psicanálise

versão impressa ISSN 0100-3437versão On-line ISSN 2175-3482


COLAO, Magda Maria. Psychoanalytic tessitures: subjectivity, institutionality and bonding. Estud. psicanal. [online]. 2021, n.55, pp.221-233. ISSN 0100-3437.

This work addresses the institution, its potential to express what it is not and how one endures it in spite of its contradictions. The investigation of the thing-in-itself reveals inherent psychic suffering. We instigate the need of self-awareness within the psychoanalytical institution. Adequate social coexistence is required to promote mental health within an institution. There is a theoretical alignment amongst Freud, Klein, Winnicott, Bleger, Enriquez, Kaës, Cheptulin, Roussillon, Deleuze, Bloch, Kosik, Lebrun and Lacan towards analyzing the organizational psychic apparatus and developing an institutional praxis. What is the thing-in-itself, the essence of the institution? Why does it proliferate organizational dysfunction? Upon the identification of the institutional dysfunction, we seek a psychodynamic understanding. In the scenario of a perverse-narcissist behaviour, we employ abstraction to investigate the organizational dynamics and the mechanisms that support it. Symptoms, silences, inadequate ideas, disrespect and seduction - what makes them emerge? The contradictions propitiate an environment where the psychic reality can manifest conflicts, acting out, or toxic relationships, either inhibiting or expanding the creational space. The Principle of Hope integrates the knowledge nurtured by the institutions, enabling the transition from a destructive state of human capital towards the opening of new paths of respect and listening. The thoughts hereby presented lead us to conclude that this approach will build a new humanistic and civilizatory reality, as dreamed by Freud. Perhaps a new path to broaden the democratic space.

Palavras-chave : Institution; Organizational dysfunction; Psychic reality; Internal objects; Subjectivity.

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