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Estudos de Psicanálise
versão impressa ISSN 0100-3437versão On-line ISSN 2175-3482
NEVES, Pedro Hikiji e KUPERMANN, Daniel. Thomas Ogden, reader of Winnicott: epistemological, clinical theoretical and aesthetic dialogues. Estud. psicanal. [online]. 2021, n.55, pp.235-246. ISSN 0100-3437.
Thomas Ogden is a contemporary analyst who articulates the thoughts of different authors in his publications. In this sense, he presents a balance between tradition and innovation, proposing synthesis and dialogues with fundamental psychoanalytic authors, such as Freud, Klein, Bion and Winnicott. In this article, we explore the relationship between Ogden and Winnicott in particular, contextualizing the way in which the first transforms the work of the second, as a process of creating/finding. Taking the notion of subject as a foundation and relying on terms outside the original text, such as dialectics, intersubjectivity, reverie, and analytic third, Ogden suggests another reading of Winnicott's texts. This article proposes to understand the dialogues of Ogden and Winnicott along three axes: first, an epistemological one, related to the understanding that the subject is intersubjectively constituted; secondly, a theoretical-clinical one, related to the conceptual description of what happens between analysand and analyst in the psychoanalytic setting; and finally, an aesthetic one, whose emphasis is the phenomenological description of how the analyst is affected by the clinical encounter. These three axes are directly related to each other, because the concept of the intersubjective subject (epistemological axis) engenders an understanding of the theory of the clinic (theoretical-clinical axis) that, in turn, is used to interpret the analyst's specific experiences in session (aesthetic axis).
Palavras-chave : Ogden; Thomas H; Winnicott; Donald Woods; Playing (Winnicott); Analytic Third; Regression.