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versão impressa ISSN 0101-3106


OLIVEIRA, Domério Nassar de. Money. Ide (São Paulo) [online]. 2014, vol.37, n.58, pp.35-43. ISSN 0101-3106.

This article considers the nature of money as an expression of man's quest for personal freedom in a context characterized by the real economic interdependence among economic agents, imposed by the social division of labor. It also considers the quest for power through the accumulation of money in capitalism, and the various embodiments of money through history. Special emphasis is given to bank credit and the banking system that issues it, supported by the construction of a mechanism of payment compensation. This mechanism has woven the banks into a system built to sustain the survival of this last form of money, i.e., the credit itself, with which we coexist today, without realizing it. The article also seeks to show how the banking system has become closely interconnected with the State, and how it profits from this link, spreading into society, via the media, ideas that prevent society from perceiving its true nature.

Palavras-chave : Money; Capital; Credit; Compensation; Withdrawals revocation; Cash; Bank reserves; Deposits; Savings; Loans; Public debit; Interest; Economic policy; Macroeconomic expenditure.

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