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vol.39 número63O íntimo, o estranho e o duplo no mundo digitalDe corpo e alma: fragmentos do trabalho de elaboração do psicanalista índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0101-3106


BARBOSA, Marielle Kellermann. The issue of intimate on the Internet. Yutubers as psychoanalysis of quotidian. Ide (São Paulo) [online]. 2017, vol.39, n.63, pp.99-115. ISSN 0101-3106.

Youtubers are a new media phenomenon, youngsters who add millions of followers and are called digital influencers. One uniqueness of this media is the supposed intimacy between youtuber and follower, provided by up-to-date language, shared interests, lack of intermediaries, and the speed of the interaction. In the present work, the videos of youtubers are observed as a new cultural product and taken as a quotidian, from Herrmann's theory, which proposes the abolition of the dichotomy between internal fantasy and reality, postulating a humanistic day-day that both constitutes subject and world. It ends with a reflection about intimacy and the hypothesis is raised that the popularity of this new media format can be observed as a formation of successful commitment to the yearning for intimacy that discards the traumatic encounter with the other.

Palavras-chave : Field theory; YouTube; Culture; Intimacy.

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