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vol.46 número1O conflito entre psicanalistas e sua ocasional falência da queda fálicaRupturas, experiências de choque e o elogio a crua e nua realidade: prenúncios do trauma no fenômeno das Bodymodifications índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Tempo psicanalitico

versão impressa ISSN 0101-4838


GIORGENON, Daniela; SOUSA, Lucília Maria Abrahão  e  PACIFICO, Soraya Maria Romano. The subject, the body and a mirror (cybernetic): memory in images and in discourse. Tempo psicanal. [online]. 2014, vol.46, n.1, pp.81-97. ISSN 0101-4838.

The gesture of reading/interpreting that we have undertaken aimed at studying the subject and the body by means of alterity. As a theoretical and analytical device we have selected the concepts of memory and of subject by Pêcheux, which is linked to psychoanalysis; the mirror stage, as conceived by Lacan; the concept of heterogeneity by Authier-Revuz; the short stories "The mirror" ("O espelho) by Machado de Assis and "Mirrors" ("Espelhos") by Veríssimo; Foucault's interpretation of the painting "The girls" ("Las meninas") by Velasquez and canvas by Romão. This is to analyze the contemporary meanings of a cybernetic mirror. We have taken to thinking about the contemporary mirror, such occurrence materialized into images and discourse, and we have asked what is there of memories that are repeated and that insist and interrupt in other meanings?

Palavras-chave : subject; body; memory.

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