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Tempo psicanalitico

versão impressa ISSN 0101-4838versão On-line ISSN 2316-6576


CAMARA, Leonardo  e  HERZOG, Regina. Ferenczi and the expressive mutuality. Tempo psicanal. [online]. 2023, vol.55, n.1, pp.186-207. ISSN 0101-4838.

The purpose of this article is to present a new "terminology" that organizes, makes intelligible and sheds light on some clinical experiences undertaken by Sándor Ferenczi when treating individuals with a history of trauma. We propose to designate, under the term "expressive mutuality", the analyst's gesture of allowing himself to express the impact of the affects that are provoked by the patient's emotional expressions, producing profound repercussions in the latter. The expressive mutuality highlights three points worked on by Ferenczi, which will be discussed throughout this article: i) the construction of trust and the reorganization of the dynamics of the splitting; ii) the development of the affect that was interrupted when denied; iii) the critical reconsideration of the analyst's technical principle of neutrality.

Palavras-chave : Ferenczi; trauma; clinic; expression; psychoanalysis.

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