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versão impressa ISSN 0102-7395


SALIBA, Ana Maria Portugal Maia. Incerteza e esperança: a psicanáliseUncertainness and hope: the psychoanalysis. Reverso [online]. 2018, vol.40, n.75, pp.57-62. ISSN 0102-7395.

Assuming psychoanalysis as an uncertain field, we evaluate the psychoanalytic knowledge, supported by the unconscious, which is disturbing and disharmonized with the world. Freud devoted himself to this research through the clinic of the neurosis and based on it, constructed the psychoanalytic theory and its method. In spite of the resistances coming from the current sciences at that time, he reaffirms his hope, facing this unprecedented therapeutic constellation, which the strange presence forces the person to deny to himself and others. However, Freud refuses to assign psychoanalysis as a special Weltanschauung (world view) and prefers to approach it to science as a field of challenges and research.

Palavras-chave : Psychoanalysis; Unconscious; Knowledge; Science; Weltanschauung.

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