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vol.41 número78Não há senão isto: o laço socialA dinâmica psíquica do suicídio sob a perspectiva do desnudamento do Eu na melancolia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0102-7395


VASCONCELOS, Ana Carolina Peck  e  PENA, Breno Ferreira. Anguish: the failure to do it. Reverso [online]. 2019, vol.41, n.78, pp.27-33. ISSN 0102-7395.

Anguish is a guiding affection of the psychoanalytic clinic, being without representation, of the order of the real, for that reason an affection that does not deceive. In this context, this article aimed to make a brief review of Lacan 's concept of anguish in seminary 10, as well as to understand its nuances, which in many moments are configured as an enigma to be unveiled both in theory and psychoanalytic clinic

Palavras-chave : Anguish; Affect without representation; Psychoanalytic Clinic.

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