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vol.37 número1A perspectiva simbólica do espectro obsessivo-compulsivo: O "projeto" de Freud revisitado pelo arquétipo de JungOs sentidos como funções estruturantes da Consciência: Um Estudo da Psicologia Simbólica índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0103-0825


BYINGTON, Carlos Amadeu B.. The archetype of life and death: A study of Symbolic Psychology. Junguiana [online]. 2019, vol.37, n.1, pp.175-200. ISSN 0103-0825.

The author elaborates on Freud's dualistic position and Jung's and Sabina Spilrein's dialectical position concerning the Archetype of Life and Death through five archetypal positions of the I-Other relationship, namely, the undifferentiated insular, polarized, dialectical and contemplative positions, each in the active and passive attitude. In order to accomplish this elaboration, the author expands some fundamental concepts of Analytical Psychology, such as the Archetype, and of Psychoanalysis, such as defense mechanism. Then, the author describes five phases of life (childhood, adolescence, adulthood, maturity and old age) and associates them with the archetypal I-Other positions and their correspondence to the four Regent Archetypes; Matriarchal, Patriarchal, Alterity (Anima and Animus) and Totality Archetypes. Special emphasis is given to the Coniunctio Archetype, which is described in the phases of life through four types: Insular Coniunctio, Parental Coniunctio, Coupling Coniunctio and Cosmic Coniunctio. In this description, the author emphasizes the elaboration of the Archetype of Life and Death, mainly in the archetypal transition from one phase to the next. In conclusion, the author considers the necessity of medical euthanasia and self-euthanasia as one of the main conquests of human rights to encounter death with dignity within the Cosmic Coniunctio. ■

Palavras-chave : symbolic psychology; archetype of life and death; archetypal positions of consciousness; undifferentiated position; insular position; polarized position; dialectic position; contemplative position; passive and active attitudes of the archetypal positions of consciousness; archetypal theory of object relationship; cosmic coniunctio; medical euthanasia; Self euthanasia.

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