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Jornal de Psicanálise

versão impressa ISSN 0103-5835


LORENZI, Camila Lousana Pavanelli de. An approximation of literary criticism and psychoanalysis in the reading of O filho eterno, by Cristóvão Tezza: relationships between reader, narrator and character. J. psicanal. [online]. 2012, vol.45, n.82, pp.99-112. ISSN 0103-5835.

The present essay aims to approach the singularity of the narrative voice in O filho eterno, a novel by Cristóvão Tezza from 2007. With this objective in view, we examine the relationship between narrator and main character, as well as the relationships between reader-narrator and reader-character, on the basis of Reception Theory and Psychoanalysis. The narrator of the novel is close enough to the character to have full knowledge of his internal world; however, the minimal distance that separates them allows for the narrator’s objective point of view. This distance and objectivity are related to the absence of an accusatory morality in the novel, as the narrator is interested on the history of subjective constitution of the son and, mostly, the father. The father mourns an “ideal son”, with the inscription in a time order open to the future, to novelty and alterity. By the end of the novel, the successful working through of the mourning elicits a change in the narrator-character relationship, the narrator’s focus shifting towards the son.

Palavras-chave : Cristóvão Tezza; Reception theory; Narrator; Mourning.

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