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vol.52 número96O conceito de "homem sem inconsciente" de Massimo Recalcati índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Jornal de Psicanálise

versão impressa ISSN 0103-5835


MARONI, Amnéris. Fascist mind. J. psicanal. [online]. 2019, vol.52, n.96, pp.73-81. ISSN 0103-5835.

The article discusses the state of the fascist mind, taking into account Christopher Bollas' contribution. It also establishes a fruitful dialogue with other philosophers who are interested in the subject: Hannah Arendt and Giorgio Agamben. The fascist mind is not parliamentary (with several conflicting points of view, in dialogue) but imperial: with a single fixed viewpoint. It becomes inhuman. In order to do that, fascists unleash an ongoing war, first against themselves - through multiple murderous actions against the parts of their loving, repairing, compassionate self - and, then, against the "others" chosen for that end. To eliminate all internal opposition, the fascist mind relies on ideology, belief, conviction - antidotes to doubt, hesitation - converging to a field of certainties. Projections of parts of her self will be thrown at the other: evil, biased, scornful parts. They also use extractive introjection, as a lethal defense: stealing from the other - the elect enemy - parts of their selves.

Palavras-chave : fascist mind; projective identification; extractive introjection; concentration camp; undead; inhuman.

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