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vol.53 número99Solilóquios com um fósforo queimado: notas do cafezinho índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Jornal de Psicanálise

versão impressa ISSN 0103-5835


FONSECA, Vera Regina J. R. M.. How do you create a home? Reflections on formation at the Durval Marcondes Institute. J. psicanal. [online]. 2020, vol.53, n.99, pp.25-42. ISSN 0103-5835.

Parting from an introductory personal statement, the author gives an overview of the principles that guided her work as Director of the Institute of Psychoanalysis Durval Marcondes, stressing the Institute's responsibility in proposing changes that are necessary and in supervising the training process of the candidates. She also emphasizes the importance of facing problems that are announced more or less explicitly because there is always a risk of neglecting what is potentially disturbing. The most central themes of training are listed and the respective discussions in the Teaching Committee are highlighted, such as the idea of complementary seminars that could fill gaps in training, continuing training, evaluation, and monitoring, personal analysis, supervision, and clinical and theoretical seminars, elitism in training, and ethics. It ends by highlighting the importance of looking for ways to evaluate and follow the quality and characteristics of our training; one option, which can and should be complemented by others, was a qualitative investigation about the second case report by candidates finishing their training carried out between 2017 and 2020.

Palavras-chave : psychoanalytic training; ethics; training analysis; supervision; seminars.

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