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vol.35 número108Consciência fonológica e fatores associados em crianças no início da alfabetizaçãoUm olhar psicopedagógico sobre o processo ensino-aprendizagem no contexto hospitalar índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Psicopedagogia

versão impressa ISSN 0103-8486


GADELHA, Tayna Andrade; MELO, Monilly Ramos Araujo; SANTOS, Ingrid Michélle de Souza  e  MOREIRA, Jessica Daniele Silva. Metalinguistic skills and executive functions in children with learning difficulties: a meta-analysis. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2018, vol.35, n.108, pp.318-328. ISSN 0103-8486.

Regarding the problem related to learning difficulties, there are two elements of fundamental importance to be studied and evaluated, the Executive Functions and the Metalinguistic Skills. Thus, from a systematic review of the literature with meta-analysis, we aimed to identify which metalinguistic abilities and executive functions stand out in the context of learning difficulties. A search for studies in the databases PEPSIC, SCIELO, CAPES and BVS-PSI between the years 2003 and 2015 was carried out. The search resulted in the identification of 146 studies, and has been included in the analysis 24 studies published in Brazil, using the Portuguese language, which dealt with metalinguistic abilities and Executive functions in children with learning difficulties. Descriptive and correlational statistical analyzes were performed from the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The results revealed that failures in executive functions and metalinguistic skills result in difficulties in the children's learning process, and that within the theme metalinguistic skills a component stands in relation to learning, which is phonological awareness. In the literature there is no theoretical consensus as to which element of the triad of executive functions excels, however, from this systematic review, the inhibitory control excelled in relation to other executive abilities. It is concluded that using meta-analysis in this type of studies, one can reach a greater depth and objectivity in many subjects.

Palavras-chave : Executive Functions; Metalinguistic Skills; Difficulty Learning; Child; Neuropsychology.

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