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Revista Psicopedagogia

versão impressa ISSN 0103-8486


RUBINSTEIN, Edith. Social/cultural and psychic repercussions of written language on the subject's learning. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2023, vol.40, n.121, pp.5-16. ISSN 0103-8486.

Written language is a basic tool in our Culture, as it allows to rescue and transmit cultural heritage through the history of humanity. It is considered fundamental to fully understand it, considering aspects related to the four basic skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening, as founded by Kenneth Goodman (1977) and Mabel Condemarin (1992). Learning to read and write is a "rite of passage" that requires formal and not formal experiences, both within and outside the school context. The production of written language opens space for singularization, that is, it makes it possible to express and identify oneself to the values and concepts that contribute to individual and collective formation. Being considered the "backbone of schooling", many of the complaints of Learning Difficulties can be reactivated to its fragility, having repercussions on the constitution of the learning subject. This article tries to describe the breadth of what involves the school complaint regarding the production of language in an integral and integrated way, presenting important theoretical approaches to broaden this reflection. presenting theoretical approaches that underlie Dynamic Psychopedagogy regarding language development.

Palavras-chave : Learning Difficulties; Rite of Passage; Integral Language; Repercussions on the Learning Process of the Learning Subject.

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