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vol.27 número1Fatores determinantes para a ocorrência de acidentes domésticos na primeira infânciaÁlcool e drogas na adolescência: processo de trabalho no programa saúde na escola índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Journal of Human Growth and Development

versão impressa ISSN 0104-1282versão On-line ISSN 2175-3598


ZEQUINAO, Marcela Almeida et al. Academic performance and bullying in socially vulnerable students. J. Hum. Growth Dev. [online]. 2017, vol.27, n.1, pp.19-27. ISSN 0104-1282.

INTRODUCTION: School bullying is characterized by over time repetitiveness of aggression, with the intentionality in injure or cause suffering to another and the imbalance of power between the participants. This is not a current phenomenon, because the recurring situations of violence between peers at school probably in recurrent along the human history. Involvement in school bullying can have negative consequences, including for the students´ teaching-learning process in which those involved may have troubles as failure, dropout, as well as, episodes of indiscipline OBJECTIVE: to identify the school performance of children and adolescents in social vulnerability situation, as well as, to analyze the possible relationships of this performance with participation in situations of violence that characterize school bullying METHODS: participated 375 primary school children and adolescents of both sexes, aged between 8 and 16 years. The instruments used were: School performance test, Sociometric Scale and Questionnaire for the Study of Violence Among Peers. Data were analyzed using ANOVA Two-way test and Spearman correlation RESULTS: the present study indicated that children and adolescents in social vulnerability situation presented poor school performance that means results below expected levels for their respective school years regards to the three subtests: writing, arithmetic and reading, in both sexes and in different age groups. In an intra and extra analysis group, there was a significant difference between females' children and adolescent in all subtests. However, the same was not observed among boys. There was also a relationship between poor school performance and participation in bullying situations, in which it was found that the score on the writing subtest was negatively correlated with practice aggression and witnessing violence at school. A similar result occurred in relation to the reading subtest. The score arithmetic subtest, in turn, correlated negatively with the three forms of participation in situations of school violence: to assault, suffer abuse and witnessing violence against colleagues. Finally, the total score obtained in TDE negatively correlated up significantly with practice aggression and witnessing violence CONCLUSION: Based on the results of this manuscript, it was found that most children and adolescents in socially vulnerable investigated in this study showed school performance level considered lower than expected for their year attending. Allied to these results, it was found that teenage girls showed better performance than children of the same sex. Moreover, there is relationship between poor school performance and participation in bullying situations in different roles: victim, bully and bystander

Palavras-chave : educational status; bullying; vulnerable populations; bullying.

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