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vol.28 número2Transtorno de escoriação: diagnóstico e intervenção - uma revisão sistemáticaO diagnóstico de transtorno hipersexual sob (psic)análise índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0104-3269versão On-line ISSN 2176-1019


ALVES, Carina Cannavô  e  PARABONI, Patrícia. Parental Narcissism and Depression in the Child's Cancer. Mudanças [online]. 2020, vol.28, n.2, pp.63-70. ISSN 0104-3269.

Cancer cases amongst children and youth have been rising, unsettling and demanding subjective and relational reorganization within many families. Given this, this paper intends to address the potential effects of a children's oncological diagnosis and risk of death on parental narcissism. It was conducted a bibliographic review, which pointed the family's important role as the main caregiver for young people and how disconcerting can be, to the parents, the losses caused by their children's illness. Then, were approached the processes of narcissistic and ideals constitution and the possible outcomes of the cancer diagnosis on parental narcissism. These aspects led to the subject of narcissistic beliefs and depression as one of the possible consequences of a children's illness on parental psyche.

Palavras-chave : Narcissism; Depression; Parent-Child relations.

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