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vol.22 número2O efeito de diferentes instruções sobre o comportamento em DRL e a sensibilidade comportamentalIndução de controles por seleção e por rejeição em tarefas de emparelhamento com o modelo: Uma revisão metodológica índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Acta Comportamentalia

versão impressa ISSN 0188-8145


FOGACA, Fabiane Ferraz Silveira; BOLSONI-SILVA, Alessandra Turini  e  MEYER, Sonia Beatriz. Therapeutic interaction: Considerations about the influence of the therapist's behavior of empathy, interpretation, and orientation. Acta comport. [online]. 2014, vol.22, n.2, pp.218-226. ISSN 0188-8145.

This study discuss the effects of the therapist's vocal verbal behavior, in particular, orientation, interpretation and empathy in relation to the client's behavior and therapy's results. The differences of several behavioral coding systems are analyzed, as well as their utility on the study of the therapeutic interaction on Analytic Behavior Therapy. It is also presented the different researches regarding the positive and negative effects of the categories orientation, empathy and interpretation. The different results are discussed in terms of data analysis procedures employed. Finally, it is assumed that the impact of therapist's behaviors are influenced by the phase of therapeutic process (beginning, intermediary or final) and the precedent behaviors of the client and therapist.

Palavras-chave : analytic behavior therapy; verbal behavior; behavioral coding system; outcome assessment.

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