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vol.46 número1O plural no singular: uma contribuição à reflexão sobre ética e psicanáliseSobre as falhas do analista índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise

versão impressa ISSN 0486-641X


FRANCISCHELLI, Leonardo A.. Pyschoanalyzing today - some re­ections. Rev. bras. psicanál [online]. 2012, vol.46, n.1, pp.52-66. ISSN 0486-641X.

The author seeks, through six short chapters, to draw a personal vision on the act of pyschoanalyzing today. He takes some basic Freudian concepts, such as "abstinence" and also "surgeon metaphor", in which it is not neutrality which is at play, but the art of curing. Besides these founding concepts of psychoanalysis, the paper emphasizes two moments of Freud's theoretic construction, in which the role of the absence of the object occupies a fundamental place in the development of mans psychic apparatus. There is the mention of the "satisfaction experience" and the "reel game", in which the lack of presence of the object stimulates the growth of the imagination and of the language, respectively. The work also drafts the building of the frame, highlighting the role of interviews, contract and transference as the operators needed to lead someone to an analytic journey. In relation to transference, the paper bases itself in Lacan essentially to discuss the excessive presence of the analyst in the space of analysis, generating what is called the dual transference, in other words, the analytic work operating solely in the field of the imaginary. The author believes that this technique would block triangulation in the analytic frame and, in Freud's conception as much as Lacans, the Oedipus Complex and its correlate, the complex of castration, are indispensable presences for the cure. Finally, the author brings what could be called a dialectic matter, between the followers of the field of hard science, represented by the neurosciences and those which are opposed to this neurobiological determinism. The text leads to a deep discussion on the matters that involve neurosciences and psychoanalysis, for, as the work affirms, both are, to a certain point, incompatible. They are like water and oil: they coexist, but a mixture does not occur.

Palavras-chave : abstinence; rules of art; absence; presence frame; movement; dispersion; pest.

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