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vol.50 número1O Messias: uma contribuição para o estudo psicanalítico da manifestação psicossomáticaIntuição: lacuna teórica na psicanálise índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise

versão impressa ISSN 0486-641X


FERRARI, Armando; MILANI, Giuliana  e  TIRELLI, Luisa. The eclipse of the concrete original object.Traduzido porMarisa Pelella Mélega. Rev. bras. psicanál [online]. 2016, vol.50, n.1, pp.149-157. ISSN 0486-641X.

According to the authors of this paper, the mental function begins when a sensory perception is first registered. The authors attribute several meanings to the operations of perceiving and registering. There is a subject, the apparatus who registers, and there is a registered object. The object of the register (to be registered) is called concrete original object, which embraces both the physical body and the set of sparse sensations that emerge from that body. Under the pressure of violent and apathetic physical sensations, which can also put a harmonious physical functioning at risk, and in the presence of maternal rêverie, the mental apparatus starts its function which is both registering and restraining. Some concepts are developed in order to manage this process: eclipse would be the progressive reduction of the space that was initially occupied by apathetic sensations, which are replaced by more functional ways for the individual’s survival process in the environment. The primitive and original diversity each person shows at birth is evoked through the original object. This originality will follow the person throughout his (or her) life. Through the concrete object, it is tested that the development of mind starts from that "concreteness" of the object, i.e., from the baby’s physical features. Before the eclipse of the concrete original object may happen, there must be a mother who takes care of the baby; a mother who uses her perceptive qualities and her attention in order to feed a baby’s confidence - a confidence that lets him (or her) maintain a relation with the external world. The maintenance of that primary confidence strengthens the object-bond, and enables structuring a psychic-physical binary system within the child. The beginning of the eclipse starts the mental functioning and the differentiation process between the infant and the mother. The authors are specially interested in the emergence of emotions, which is an intermediate zone between being only sensations and a thinking being. They consider the psychic development path starts from the sensory perception, goes through emotions, and then becomes more and more abstract until it achieves the symbolization and thinking. The authors write three clinical vignettes in order to demonstrate the use of this model.

Palavras-chave : mind-body connection; sensory perception; rêverie (daydream); thinking being; psychoanalytic relationship.

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