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vol.52 número4Cenários possíveis para a psicanálise (e para o psicanalista) na política índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise

versão impressa ISSN 0486-641X


PINETTA, Juan. The search for dialogue as Psychoanalytic Politics.Traduzido por(Trad.) Claudia Berliner. Rev. bras. psicanál [online]. 2018, vol.52, n.4, pp.31-48. ISSN 0486-641X.

As a way of promoting interventions in Culture and Community, the author sees psychoanalysts as agents who produce subjective transformations. As such, they bring changes to their social context. When psychoanalysts cause tension over rules of neutrality and abstinence, they appear as someone who exercises politics, the Politics of Psychoanalysis. This Politics of Psychoanalysis promotes changes in the state of things which, once objectified, cause suffering. The psychoanalyst is not requested to do, but he requests himself. He is motivated by appreciations that are related to the value of life, of the community in which each subject is a part who weaves social network. The author starts from words, such as to promote, to intervene, community, and culture, as an attempt to emphasize the importance of inviting subjects to actively be part of phenomena. These phenomena are symptoms of different forms of power or bonds, which must dialogue as an attempt at promoting at least minimum changes in the tension between social and individual autonomies. The author proposes, above all, the need for a psychoanalysis “with its feet in the mud”, i e. a psychoanalysis which does not fear the exchange with those who represent the power; a psychoanalysis which overcomes taboos and ideologies that allow no changes because they keep waiting for the ideal and utopian times.

Palavras-chave : community; culture; society; intervention; Politics.

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