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vol.54 número4Ideais e o universo feminino: as bordas identitárias e a função parentalO eu e o mundo: por uma ética para o século XXI índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise

versão impressa ISSN 0486-641X


SANTOS, Manoel Antônio dos; OKAMOTO, Mary Yoko; EMIDIO, Thassia Souza  e  MAIA, Bruna Bortolozzi. The plots of binding work: psychoanalytic contributions to thinking the contemporary impasses and ideals. Rev. bras. psicanál [online]. 2020, vol.54, n.4, pp.117-132. ISSN 0486-641X.

ABSTRACT From the Freudian work we can notice the importance that psychoanalysis attributes to ideals, both parental and cultural, for the formation of subjectivity. This theoretical-reflective study aims to analyze the plots of the binding work, from the concepts of bond, ajenindad and incertidumbre from the bond psychoanalysis point of view. Inspired by the theoretical reference, we highlight some of J. Puget's original contributions to the theme and reflect on its implications and resonances in the political, social, and binding context. We state that bonds engender a radical difference on which the binding work is built, always involving an element of uncertainty. It follows that social uncertainty, as a symptom exacerbated in the contemporary times, associated with the weakening of bonds, can lead to the defensive creation of figures of exclusion in the social field, typical of totalitarian regimes. It is up to the analytic intervention to uncover the underground plot of binding work.

Palavras-chave : bond; narcissism; group cohesion; group psychoanalysis; ideal ego.

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