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Cuadernos de neuropsicología
versão On-line ISSN 0718-4123
HERZBERG, Alan et al. Paralelo entre la actividad y la sustancia adictiva desde un enfoque social y sus posibles tratamientos. Cuad. neuropsicol. [online]. 2007, vol.1, n.3, pp.355-362. ISSN 0718-4123.
The subject of addictions has been historically revised from multiple points of view, however in this bibliographic investigation we intend to compile different theories about the origins of addictions, taking into account the theoretical complementariety which applies to this subject, allowing to establish a parallel between psychoanalytic therapy and Freudian vision. On the other hand are the different kinds of addictions. Direct addictions are linked to one object, and evidence a high sense of control (i.e. alcoholism, cocaine, heroin, among others), whereas indirect addictions are characterized by the pursuit of the pleasure obtained by the endorphins liberated with that action, generating an intense satisfaction (some examples of this kind of addictions are sex, gambling, and Internet services among others). At the same time, we encounter diverse treatment methods, the first one that comes to light is the treatment provided by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) where the dynamic and quality of treatment produced in that setting is suitable for analysis. This brings up the social network structure and its relationship to different alterations, including the focus given to the integration of the newly sober patient. The most important point of this analysis is the integration achieved from the social point of view, because even when different theories point in many ways to physiological roots to addictions, the social factor is the main activator of these problems. Relevant literature on this topic states that one of the most important risk factors is the social network as well as, in regards to the kinds of addiction, it is possible to apprehend that the division comes principally from the locus of control. Consequently, treatments adopt measures to restore the damaged social network in accordance to the factors mentioned.
Palavras-chave : Addiction; Treatment; Social Network; Control.