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Cuadernos de neuropsicología

versão On-line ISSN 0718-4123


GONZALEZ, Agustín Ernesto Martínez et al. Integral intervention in a brain injury case after four years without any treatment. Cuad. neuropsicol. [online]. 2013, vol.7, n.1, pp.87-103. ISSN 0718-4123.

Over the last decades neuroscientific studies have showed the capacity of the human brain for neurogenesis and cognitive improvement following neuropsychological rehabilitation. This study evaluates the cognitive processes after two years of neuropsychological rehabilitation and speech therapy in a case with traumatic brain injury and organic personality disorder. The results show an improvement of cognitive processes such as attention, short and long term verbal and nonverbal memory, and viso-perceptive ability as well as some aspects of executive function and verbal fluency. Conclusions: This study obtained encouraging results with an integral and ecological intervention after four years without any intervention on the patient. Future studies should include a larger sample of subjects with similar cognitive impairment and brain injuries.

Palavras-chave : Traumatic brain injury; Organic personality disorder; Neuropsychological Rehabilitation; Family Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy; Clinical case.

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