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versão impressa ISSN 1413-0394
CORDAZZO, Scheila Tatiana Duarte; MARTINS, Gabriela Dal Forno; MACARINI, Samira Mafioletti e VIEIRA, Mauro Luis. Perspectives in the study of play: a bibliographical survey. Aletheia [online]. 2007, n.26, pp.122-136. ISSN 1413-0394.
This work aimed to identify perspectives in the study of play by examining the abstracts from scientific papers on the subject and forming a synthesis of the research conducted between 1980 and 2005. To this end, one international bibliographic database (PsycInfo - APA) and two national bibliographic databases (Scielo and Index Psi) were consulted. The abstracts obtained from the relevant works were systematically analyzed and classified. Conclusions reached were as follows: (a) Age-groups apart from those normally studied are required for a proper elucidation of the nature of play. (b) Further empirical research is needed on a national level. (c) The relationship between play and learning had been inadequately explored. (d) It has been found a predominance of research relating play to infant development
Palavras-chave : Play; Child development; Play behavior.