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versão impressa ISSN 1413-0394


BOGO, Mariane Santos Janczeski  e  CHAPADEIRO, Cibele Alves. CAPS professional profile and training and the understanding of mental disorder. Aletheia [online]. 2019, vol.52, n.2, pp.21-35. ISSN 1413-0394.

The Brazilian Psychiatric Reform has been producing changes in the understanding and care of individuals with mental disorders, and the Psychosocial Attention Center (CAPS) is the service responsible for these subjects. This research has the objective to understand the profile of the professionals working in the CAPS and their understanding of the mental disorder, its evolution and frequency. Interviews were conducted with professionals of higher education. The interviews were submitted to the content analysis of Bardin, from which 3 categories originated. The results showed that all professionals have specializations. They believe that mental suffering is complex, announcing what is often not said and revealed, as a society's spokesperson. The most frequent disorders are bipolar disorder, personality disorders and spectrum of schizophrenia. The profile and the understanding of these professionals demonstrate that the Psychiatric Reform has been effective in this CAPS.

Palavras-chave : Professional Profile; Professional training; Mental Disorders.

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