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vol.15 número1Os livros didáticos de Psicologia Educacional: pistas para análise da formação de professores(as) - (1920 - 1960)Implicações da internacionalização da educação para a formulação de currículos em Psicologia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Temas em Psicologia

versão impressa ISSN 1413-389X


MACHADO, Adriana Marcondes. Practical professional training at public schools: Reflexion inspired on school psychology. Temas psicol. [online]. 2007, vol.15, n.1, pp.85-90. ISSN 1413-389X.

This study describes two interships experiences of Psychology under-graduation students at University of São Paulo on the field of School Psychology: one called "Practical Study", and the other called "Intervention Intership". These interships had revealed how important is that the actions, performed by Psychology interns in public educational institutions, have the focus on the strengthen of educators when facing current issues of academic routines, related to the subjectivity present in the teaching-learning process. Towards this, it is important that the demand - brought by the educational institution and by the Psychology students -, set upon since training agreements, must be evaluated as background effects of this relation of psychology and education. Discussions with professionals from institutions involved in the study should be held to analyze the suggested directions, how to reach them, and their effects to the research raised by these interships. Also, some cautions were mentioned here, that the interships should have while dealing with public educational institutions, that took aim at intervene in the routines of these institutions which their problems are political and institutional matter.

Palavras-chave : Public school; Practical professional training; Psychologist; Intervening; Demand.

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