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vol.22 número2Cuidados necessários à infância: um estudo com mães coletadoras de material reciclávelRelações entre criatividade, esperança, otimismo e desempenho profissional índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Temas em Psicologia

versão impressa ISSN 1413-389X


SOUZA, Cristiane Gabriel de; MACHADO, Gabriela Marcolino Alves; NUNES, Laísy de Lima  e  AQUINO, Fabíola de Sousa Braz. Maternal beliefs about the sociocommunicative development of babies. Temas psicol. [online]. 2014, vol.22, n.2, pp.497-508. ISSN 1413-389X.

The maternal beliefs are internal representations that guide the mother's behavior of regarding the babies. This study investigated the maternal beliefs about the development sociocommunicative of babies in the first three months of life. The study included 20 mothers living in city of Campina Grande-PB, from different socioeconomic levels. We performed a semi-structured interview, recorded and transcribed literally. The results indicate variations in maternal beliefs according to the instructional level and maternal age of babies and show that most mothers who conceive how to care for their child influences child development. Mothers believe that since the first months after birth the baby is able to understand events of the environment in which he lives, and to communicate with it. These results contribute to data collection that can provide new information to the literature and support the planning of public policies through guidance programs on child development for mothers.

Palavras-chave : Sociocommunicative development; mother-baby interaction; maternal beliefs.

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