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vol.12 número1Teste de Bender com disléxicos: comparação de dois sistemas de pontuaçãoOpinião de alunos de psicologia sobre o ensino em avaliação psicológica índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 1413-8271


GANDINI, Rita de Cássia; MARTINS, Maria do Carmo Fernandes; RIBEIRO, Marjorie de Paula  e  SANTOS, Daniela Torres Gonçalves. Beck Depression Inventory - BDI: Factorial analysis for women with cancer. PsicoUSF [online]. 2007, vol.12, n.1, pp.23-31. ISSN 1413-8271.

This study refers to the factor analysis of the Beck Depression Inventory - BDI in a population composed by 208 women with cancer. The extraction method was principal components and the rotation procedure was oblimin. The BDI factorial analysis was done through the oblimin rotation, finding two solutions possibilities. One with two factors solution - the first one with 8 items (a = 0,82), called "negative view of self", explaining 32,4% of the variance and the second factor with 5 items (a = 0,77), called "physical function", explaining 8% of the variance - and other with one factor solution with 13 items, with really satisfactory reliability of 0,86, called "depression" and explaining 38% of the total variance.

Palavras-chave : Depression; Cancer; Beck Depression Inventory; Factor analysis; BDI.

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