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Psicologia Escolar e Educacional
versão impressa ISSN 1413-8557
NOVAES, Maria Helena et al. Social perception and its influence on psychoeducatlonal programs for the elderly. Psicol. esc. educ. [online]. 1996, vol.1, n.1, pp.25-29. ISSN 1413-8557.
The purpose of this study was to investigate social perception at the elder1y among groups aged 60-90, pertaining to various socioeconomics levels. Three dimensios were chose for study: types of programs offered, attitudes from the professional staft atending them and behaviors within and between the elder1y groups. Main constructs were analyzed from the responses obtained for preventive intervention and a more adequate orientation to socioeducational programs is discussed.
Palavras-chave : 3th age; Social representation; Atenting aged.