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Psicologia da Educação

versão impressa ISSN 1414-6975


FERREIRA, Maria da Conceição Rodrigues  e  FERNANDES, Susana Maria Rodrigues. Development and learning: from the constructivist perspective to the socioconstructivist. Psicol. educ. [online]. 2012, n.34, pp.37-62. ISSN 1414-6975.

This paper aims to present an interpretation of the constructivism and socio constructivism perspectives of development and learning, in what concerns addition and subtraction concepts. In what refers constructivism, the main assumption is based on the principle that it is the confrontation between the schemes of different levels of development that triggers the cognitive imbalance that results in conflicts and contradictions. In what refers this problematic, the constructivism postulates that knowledge construction is obtained through successive approximations, being the objective thought acquired by cognitive decentering all over the global process of learning and development which involves a succession of mental structures reconstruction, through the mechanism of balance - imbalance - rebalancing, between subject and object. On the other hand, the socio constructivist perspective of learning and development postulates that cognitive co-ordinations are constructed through social mediation, being the coordination of individual actions, with those of others, the main mechanism through which individuals construct the matrix of the general coordination systems.

Palavras-chave : development; constructivism; addition; subtraction.

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