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Psicologia da Educação

versão impressa ISSN 1414-6975versão On-line ISSN 2175-3520


OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, Isaias Batista de. The school promotes resilience of key processes in families organized in unconventional models. Psicol. educ. [online]. 2018, n.46, pp.93-101. ISSN 1414-6975.

A family of postmodernity can be made up of a genus of people who give rise to countless family care. However, the school continues to spread an ideal of falmily that is too distant from reality. The present work argues that the school context is a context that promotes the resilience of family institutions organized in unconventional models. The Ecology of Human Development is taken as support tothe understanding of the student's social development process through the interaction of the family and school context, resorting to family resilience studies to establish a positive relationship between family and school in promoting the resilience of unconventional families. It concludes that the school needs to adopt strategies that promote the key processes of resilience, by incorporating all forms of family into their rites.

Palavras-chave : school; family; unconventional family model; family resilience.

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