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vol.33 número85O Jogo como mediador na entrevista: um novo lugar no processo psicoterápico com adolescentesA criança com síndrome de Down: na perspectiva da Teoria Bioecológica do Desenvolvimento Humano, com destaque aos fatores de risco e de proteção índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Boletim - Academia Paulista de Psicologia

versão impressa ISSN 1415-711X


WAHBA, Liliana Liviano  e  SCHMITT, Paula Sampaio. Children and dance: a clinical observation in group about the process of individuation. Bol. - Acad. Paul. Psicol. [online]. 2013, vol.33, n.85, pp.427-445. ISSN 1415-711X.

The article develops a clinical observation group based on an Analytical Psychological approach. The article promotes a reflection about dance as an expressive and creative manifestation that allows meaningful experiences of learning. It refers to an educational model with the purpose of: awakening the potential of a child, developing body work, and inserting in the child's education the learning through body experience connected to the intellect. The objective is to investigate in the group the children's perception about the act of dancing. A work plan called "Dance Activity and Free Expression" is developed in four meetings with eight children from "Fundamental One Education". The procedures involve the application of drawings before and after the dance activities with the theme "What is dancing for you", and interviews with each one of the children, in order to understand their perception related to dance. The results stimulate future researches since it was observed that the children, besides the pleasure of attending the activities and dance, exposed some feelings such as shame and freedom, they interacted with their classmates and broadened the awareness of the body. There was an indication of enlargement in body self perception and self image, and stronger perception of self and other. The conclusion shows the need of researches with a bigger number of participants, experimental group and control group, in order to construct a model of project to be applied in formal education.

Palavras-chave : dance; child; education; individuation; analytical psychology.

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