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Boletim - Academia Paulista de Psicologia
versão impressa ISSN 1415-711X
TRETTENE, Armando dos Santos et al. Stress in nursing professionals working in Emergency Care Units. Bol. - Acad. Paul. Psicol. [online]. 2016, vol.36, n.91, pp.243-261. ISSN 1415-711X.
The objective of this study is to identify the stress level of active nurses in Emergency Care Units. The study is descriptive, transversal and quantitative, developed in Emergency Care Units in a municipality in the state of São Paulo. The sample consists of 128 participants: nurses, technicians and nursing assistants. After ethical research procedures, two instruments are applied: the Sociodemographic Questionnaire and the Inventory of Stress Symptoms for Adults. The application and interpretation of data respected the rules of research tools and were subjected to statistical analysis using the chi-square test, Student's t and Fisher exact test, with significance level of 5%. In this study, 37% of respondents have stress resistance phase, with a predominance of psychological symptoms (26%), for auxiliary functions and nursing technicians (41%). There is a correlation between stress level compared to age (p = 0.002), training (p = 0.003), performance (p = 0.003), and working period in the morning shift (p = 0.006). The findings refer to the understanding that personal characteristics can act as moderators in the perception of stress, to minimize the impact and pace the triggering process of exhaustive levels
Palavras-chave : nursing; burnout; stress physiological; stress phychological; health.