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Boletim - Academia Paulista de Psicologia

versão impressa ISSN 1415-711X


SILVA, Flávia Renata Alves da; COLLI, Daniel; MACHADO, Márcia Di Santo de Melo  e  MALUF, Maria Regina. Word reading and comprehension of sentences: a study with students of the 3rd grade of three elementary schools in the city of São Paulo. Bol. - Acad. Paul. Psicol. [online]. 2016, vol.36, n.91, pp.437-449. ISSN 1415-711X.

The purpose of the present work was to check the performance of a group of third graders Elementary School in recognizing words and understanding sentences, as well as the correlation between word recognition and sentence understanding, also to raise hypotheses about the school impact on the acquisition of reading by considering two components: decoding and understanding. The study was developed in three schools in the city of São Paulo, two of them are state public schools and the other one is private. The participants were 250 third grade students, and their average age was 8.1. Two instruments of collective application were used: an exercise on word recognition (TRP) containing 90 items and one exercise on sentence reading comprehension (TCL) containing 16 items. The results showed different percentage of correct answers, and the school impact on learning showed better performance of the private school students in both word reading and sentence understanding. A correlation of 0.64 was also noticed between the exercises on word recognition and sentence reading and comprehension. The mistakes with phonological interference were more frequent than the mistakes with semantic interference, which suggests insufficient domain of phoneme-grapheme relations. Such results contribute to understand the processes that influence initial learning of written language, regarding the teaching methodologies of alphabetic writing system, in which children learn to read and write

Palavras-chave : literacy; Reading & writing; school impact.

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