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vol.18 número3Tratamento grupal psicopedagógico e as cenas temidas na aprendizagem de crianças e adolescentesO caso da "pequena sereia": uma reflexão sobre diagnóstico diferencial e final de análise com crianças índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Estilos da Clinica

versão impressa ISSN 1415-7128


CUNHA, Cristiane de Freitas  e  LIMA, Nádia Laguárdia de. The listening of teens in school: sexuality as a school symptom. Estilos clin. [online]. 2013, vol.18, n.3, pp.508-517. ISSN 1415-7128.

This article presents a reflection about a work conducted with adolescents in a private school. The demand of the school emerged at a time when the science teacher comes across with the impossibility of the transmission of the knowledge about the sexed body. Teachers confront with the equivocal of the educational transmission, with the untranslatable impulsive surplus of students, and with their own discomfort and perplexity over this situation. This impasse makes possible a conversation with teenagers at school. The blooming of puberty, the encounter with the other sex, the love, the conflict between generations, the image of the changeable body, generate anxiety and agitation. In conversation with the psychoanalyst, questions and answers emerge, enabling a symptomatization of what appeared to be an opacity in the knowledge and language provocations.

Palavras-chave : adolescence; puberty; knowledge; symptom; conversation.

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