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vol.23 número2Os objetivos do tratamento psicanalítico para Freud e para WinnicottDe que se trata ser freudiano pela psicanálise lacaniana? Os quatro conceitos fundamentais da psicanálise em Freud e Lacan índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Estilos da Clinica

versão impressa ISSN 1415-7128versão On-line ISSN 1981-1624


BUSATTO, Pedro Sóglia  e  SAFRA, Gilberto. The concept of symbolic realization and the psychotic cases: A dialogue between the works of M. A. Sechehaye and D. W. Winnicott. Estilos clin. [online]. 2018, vol.23, n.2, pp.362-380. ISSN 1415-7128.

The article focuses on the investigation results of the symbolic realization concept, created by M.A. Sechehaye, in dialogue with Winnicottian concepts used nowadays. The author's influence within psychoanalysis and other fields of knowledge is briefly discussed, and her conceptions of psychosis are compared to some of those presented by Winnicott. The authors of the article verified that there are converging points between Sechehaye's treatment method and the Winnicottian praxis, although these authors use different theoretical standpoints. The articulation between the contributions of the two authors presents itself as a fruitful field of research, with implications for contemporary clinical practice.

Palavras-chave : Sechehaye; Winnicott; psychosis; psychoanalytic practice; symbolic realization.

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