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vol.16 número3Protocolo interdisciplinar de avaliação neuropsicológica, comportamental e clínica para crianças e adolescentes com queixas de desatenção e hiperatividadeQuando os estudantes falam sobre os problemas de aprendizagem: um estudo psicogenético índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Psicologia: teoria e prática

versão impressa ISSN 1516-3687


GOMES, Claudia  e  SOUZA, Vera Lucia Trevisan de. The meanings of school inclusion: reflections from the perspective of historic-cultural psychology from a case study. Psicol. teor. prat. [online]. 2014, vol.16, n.3, pp.172-183. ISSN 1516-3687.

Supported by the theory of subjectivity of Gonzalez Rey, this research is described as a case study aiming to understand and explain the process of subjectivities of a seven years old student, physically disabled, enrolled in a regular elementary school. The methodological procedures used were observation, conversation sessions and deepening interviews, conducted over nine months, when the researcher remained in the research field. Information accessed was organized into three areas of analysis: 1. efficiency disguises disability, 2. to be included is to match the best students and 3. any effort to overcome is worth to be included. Based on the developed analysis, it is concluded that the student's relations of subjectivity are configured by thedenial of herdisability and herotherness, which denotes that she represents and subjectivizes the process of inclusion as a way of appropriating the forms of exclusion – including deleting her own disability.

Palavras-chave : disability; inclusive education; historic-cultural psychology; subjectivity; school psychology.

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