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vol.10 número2Síndrome de burnout e projeto de serA psicologia hospitalar segundo médicos e psicólogos: um estudo psicossocial índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Cadernos de Psicologia Social do Trabalho

versão impressa ISSN 1516-3717versão On-line ISSN 1981-0490


PINHEIRO, Letícia Ribeiro Souto  e  MONTEIRO, Janine Kieling. Reflections on unemployment and mental health damages. Cad. psicol. soc. trab. [online]. 2007, vol.10, n.2, pp.35-45. ISSN 1516-3717.

This article aims to contribute to the discussion about the relationship between unemployment and mental health. Thus, it is based on the main theories on the topic, as well as it intends to point out a current view of the relationships between unemployment and mental health damages. Due to the lack of national productions on this issue, it is considered to be a broaden and challenging area to be explored. This way, we can also emphasize the urge that the health professionals interfere in one's mental health, especially if he/she is jobless and lacks social acknowledgment.

Palavras-chave : Job; Unemployment; Mental Health; Suffering.

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