Serviços Personalizados
Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade
versão impressa ISSN 1518-6148versão On-line ISSN 2175-3644
CARVALHO, Isalena Santos; COSTA, Ileno Izídio e BUCHER-MALUSCHKE, Júlia S. N. F.. Psicose e Sociedade: interseções necessárias para a compreensão da crise. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2007, vol.7, n.1, pp.163-189. ISSN 1518-6148.
Teenagers and young adults are the most frequently affected people by a first episode of psychosis. Because of that, the youth and his family tend to present conflicts due to their beliefs regarding madness. The present paper aims at discussing meanings attributed to the occurrence of a psychotic crisis in society, based on possible repercussions of that crisis in the lives of the patient and his family, as well as on relations that they begin to develop with mental health institutions. Instead of seeking the discourse of greater legitimacy, among the discourse of specialist, the patient or his family, about the psychotic sickening process, it is necessary to identify the different modes of interpretation about its nature and therapeutic itinerary made by the people directly involved. Since health and sickness are constituted from their inter-relations, it is necessary to evaluate the symptoms associated to the problematization of the meanings attributed by the patient and his family to the crisis and to the treatment. In this perspective, as an excellent subjectivation space, culture is an element that mediates the social and the individual fields. In that mediation, subject and culture constitute mutually in encounters and dissentions that are fundamental to the process of construction of the diverse modes of human interaction and sickening. In this scenery, the psychotic crisis appears as the fact that evidences that the subject is out of the bonds instituted by society concerning the exercise of reason and, consequently, freedom of choice. The guarantee of a listening to give value to their opinion and their families about factors associated to the crisis, as well as about decisions related to the treatment represents a challenge that does not extinguish with the falling of the psychiatric hospitals walls, the decrease of their beds or the development of new attendance services.
Palavras-chave : psychosis; society; crisis; culture; mental health.