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Cadernos de Pós-Graduação em Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento

versão impressa ISSN 1519-0307versão On-line ISSN 1809-4139


PANHONI, Daniela Assis et al. Knowledge of health professionals on the positioning of the premature newborn in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Cad. Pós-Grad. Distúrb. Desenvolv. [online]. 2019, vol.19, n.2, pp.84-102. ISSN 1519-0307.

INTRODUCTION: prematurity requires intensive care, often resulting in delayed or impaired neurodevelopment, including abnormalities of vision, hearing, cognition, communication, speech and language, as well as motor problems. One of the first neurodevelopmental interventions in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is therapeutic positioning, positioning in physiological flexion (shoulder, hip and knee flexion, scapular protraction and posterior pelvic tilt) is the ideal position of the newborns because it promotes proper joint alignment and symmetry and supports neuromuscular development. However, there is scarcity in scientific articles about the real knowledge of health professionals who provide direct care to premature newborns in intensive care units. OBJECTIVE: to verify the knowledge of health professionals regarding the positions and decubitus used in premature newborns, as well as their benefits, indications and contraindications in Neonatal Intensive Care Units. METHOD: a cross-sectional study was conducted with professionals from various neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) in public and private hospitals in the state of São Paulo, based on an online questionnaire that assessed health professionals' knowledge about the position of premature newborns. RESULTS: 16 volunteers answered the questionnaire; 3 nurses, 2 nursing technicians, 10 physical therapists and 1 doctor. Of the 20 questions presented, the average number of correct answers was 83% (16), the ones related to the nest method and the kangaroo position were all correct, the question regarding the anatomy of the premature presented the greatest error, 81% of the participants wrongly stated that epiglottis of the premature is shorter compared to that of the adult. CONCLUSION: health professionals have knowledge regarding the issues related to the positioning of the premature newborn, however, there are theoretical and practical gaps that may affect the management of premature newborn inappropriately in the neonatal intensive care unit that needs to be better established.

Palavras-chave : Premature; Neonatal Intensive Care Unit; Knowledge; Patient Positioning; Neurodevelopmental Disorders.

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