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vol.12 número25Psicologia Política no México: aportes curriculares para um campo de formação profissional(In)Visibilidade da Psicologia Política na Venezuela índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Psicologia Política

versão impressa ISSN 1519-549X


FERNANDES-JESUS, Maria; FERREIRA, Pedro D.  e  MENEZES, Isabel. Political Psychology in Portugal: the importance of cross border. Rev. psicol. polít. [online]. 2012, vol.12, n.25, pp.509-530. ISSN 1519-549X.

In this paper we assume a broad conception of political psychological that recognizes its disciplinary, theoretical and methodological pluralism. As a result, we review research from diverse disciplines in the social sciences that either focus on the relationship between psychology and politics or emphasize the role of power, participation and oppression in the production of marginalization, empowerment and social change. The studies presented here are organized into four main topics: (i) ideology, values e attitudes; (ii) civic culture, social capital and electoral behavior; (iii) power, social relationships and deviant territories; and (iv) civic and political participation, empowerment and social change. Even if the institutionalization and dissemination of political psychology in Portugal is recent, research appears to recognize the need for a deeper understanding of the relationship between psychology and politics, including the factors that predict and mediate the impact of civic and political participation.

Palavras-chave : Ideology; Values; Power; Participation; Empowerment.

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